Ensuring sufficient goods for Tet

Ensuring sufficient goods for Tet

(VOVworld)- The demand for goods ahead of the Lunar New Year has increased 10 to 15%. Shops, supermarkets and even small markets are all busy and crowded. Government agencies have...
Russia-Turkey relationship becomes tense

Russia-Turkey relationship becomes tense

(VOVworld)- The relationship between Russia and Turkey has been tense since Turkey shot down a Russian Su 24 fighter. Tensions increased further on Friday when Ankara said another Russian Su...
Latin America promotes integration and unity

Latin America promotes integration and unity

(VOVworld) – Twenty-two state leaders from 33 member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) participated in a summit on Wednesday in Quito, Ecuador to promote...
Vietnam records no case of Zika virus fever

Vietnam records no case of Zika virus fever

(VOVworld)- On Wednesday, Vietnam’s Preventive Medicine Department said that Vietnam has recorded no cases of Zika fever so far. According to the World Health Organization, the Zika virus, is...
Ukraine: OSCE SMM observers shot at

Ukraine: OSCE SMM observers shot at

(VOVworld) - A vehicle of the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) was damaged by small-arms fire on Saturday in eastern Ukraine...
Blocking financial resources: an anti-terrorism strategy

Blocking financial resources: an anti-terrorism strategy

(VOVworld) – Operations against the self-proclaimed Islamic State and other terrorist and extremist groups have intensified and enlisted more countries. Besides airstrikes and ground attacks, blocking IS’s multiple revenue...
US to intensify refugee scrutiny

US to intensify refugee scrutiny

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama, in a statement made Wednesday during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Manila, lashed out at Republicans who insist on barring Syrian refugees...
Vietnam Fatherland Front builds national unity

Vietnam Fatherland Front builds national unity

(VOVworld) – The National Great Unity Festival on November 18 will encompass activities nationwide. The festival honors the tradition of patriotism and promotes unity movements organized by the Vietnam Fatherland Front
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

B: VOV’s relayed broadcast from Moosbrunn, Woofferton, and Dhabayya to Europe at 18:00 UTC will be on 5955 khz. Our broadcast from Woofferton and Cypress Creek to Eastern America...