Writing contest on Uncle Ho's moral example

Writing contest on Uncle Ho's moral example

(VOVworld) – A writing contest on ‘Studying and following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example’ encouraged the Party, people, and army to become more aware of the main values...
Learning from Uncle Ho’s simplest things

Learning from Uncle Ho’s simplest things

(VOVworld) - Captain Bui Huu Tho is one of the 150 military officers and units, who were honored last week for their outstanding involvement in the movement to follow President...
Exemplary army officers honored

Exemplary army officers honored

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang has met 150 military representatives who are role models in the campaign to learn from President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example
Resolution on party building reviewed

Resolution on party building reviewed

(VOVworld)- Politburo member Dinh The Huynh has asked the Hau Giang provincial authorities to continue implementing the Party Central Committee’s Resolution No.4 on party building and...