Promoting e-book market in Vietnam

Promoting e-book market in Vietnam

(VOVworld)- With a market of more than 40 million regular internet users including 22 million smart phone users, Vietnam has a lot of opportunities to develop the e-book market. But...
First rites in the lifespan of the Tay people

First rites in the lifespan of the Tay people

(VOVworld) – The Tay people believe that during a person’s lifespan he must meet all his relatives in 4 ritual ceremonies: his 1st month ceremony as a newborn, his wedding, his housewarming...
Wednesday, April 9 2014

Wednesday, April 9 2014

Today, according to the lunar calendar, is the 10th day of March, when Vietnamese people celebrate the death anniversary of the Hung Kings, the founders of the nation. Festive activities...
Vietnam’s healthcare effort praised

Vietnam’s healthcare effort praised

(VNA/VOVworld) - International partners appreciate the efforts Vietnam has made over the past few years to gain significant achievements in the healthcare sector, and pledged to continue working closely with...
Gongs keep Chau Ro's cultural identities alive

Gongs keep Chau Ro's cultural identities alive

Highlanders hear gong music from the time they are born until they die. Although they have no formal musical training, they play gongs together harmoniously without needing a conductor. The...