2014 Asia-Pacific Disability Forum Conference

2014 Asia-Pacific Disability Forum Conference

(VOVworld) – The 2nd meeting on international conventions on the rights of people with disabilities and UN Development Goals after 2015 took place on Friday in Hanoi within the framework of...
Ferguson demonstration sees calm

Ferguson demonstration sees calm

(VOVworld) – In Ferguson, Missouri state of the US, National Guard troops and police have arrested more than 400 people who protested against the US court’s decision not to try...
Vietnam ensures labor rights

Vietnam ensures labor rights

(VOVworld) – The International Convention on Civil and Political Rights and the International Law on Human Rights state that employees deserve a safe, equable work environment that has no discrimination or forced work...
Nothing can disrupt Vietnamese-Cambodian relations

Nothing can disrupt Vietnamese-Cambodian relations

(VOVworld) – Recent protests in Cambodia publicized a perverse claim based on distorted information that a part of Vietnamese territory belongs to Cambodia. Some protestors have demanded severing relations with Vietnam. The...
Wednesday October 15,2014

Wednesday October 15,2014

A: Vietnamese women have always played an important role in Vietnam's history. When we talk about heroic Vietnamese women, we often think of the Trung sisters, Trung Trac and Trung Nhi...
TPP challenges to be overcome

TPP challenges to be overcome

(VOVworld) - TPP negotiations concluded in Hanoi last Wednesday. Joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement will provide Vietnam both opportunities in investment and exports and new challenges
Vietnam committed to promoting gender equality

Vietnam committed to promoting gender equality

(VOVworld)- The 26th session of the UN Human Rights Council has over the past few days discussed reports on education rights, discrimination against women, women’s rights and sustainable development...