Myanmar signs peace accord with 8 armed groups

Myanmar signs peace accord with 8 armed groups

(VOVworld) - The Myanmar government on Thursday signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Accord (NCA) with eight out of the 15 ethnic armed groups involved in the peace deal, signaling a possible end...
TPP creates opportunities for Vietnam’s economy

TPP creates opportunities for Vietnam’s economy

(VOVworld) – On October 5, after 5 years of negotiation, the 12 members of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) reached a final consensus on the world’s largest free trade agreement. The historic...
TPP to become a model for 21st century trade

TPP to become a model for 21st century trade

(VOVworld) – Trade Ministers of 12 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members reached a final consensus on the world’s largest free trade agreement at a meeting that concluded in Atlanta on October 5....
TPP Trade Ministers’ meeting extends

TPP Trade Ministers’ meeting extends

(VOVworld) - Trade ministers from the US, Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim countries have dragged the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiation in Atlanta, the US, for one more day to October 4...
TPP negotiations drag on

TPP negotiations drag on

(VOVworld) – Representatives from the 12 countries taking part in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations agreed to stretch the meeting in Atlanta, the US to the third day on Saturday, to...
 New round of talks on TPP begins in the US

New round of talks on TPP begins in the US

(VOVworld) – Chief negotiators of the US, Japan and 10 other countries began their new round of negotiation on the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement on Saturday in Atlanta, Georgia state of...
RCEP nations pledge to remove import tariff

RCEP nations pledge to remove import tariff

(VOVworld) – A ministers meeting of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) took place in Kuala Lumpur on Monday as part of the 47th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting and Related Meetings