Cuba, US ready to resume immigration talks

Cuba, US ready to resume immigration talks

(VOVworld)-The United States and Cuba will resume immigration talks tomorrow/ on Thursday in Havana, focusing on implementation of the Immigration Agreement signed in 1994 and 1995, said the US State Department sources...
Palestinian President visits Egypt

Palestinian President visits Egypt

(VOVworld) – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is on a 3-day visit to Egypt. This is his second visit to Egypt since the coup on July 3 that overthrew Egyptian President...
Clashes may reoccur in Egypt

Clashes may reoccur in Egypt

(VOVworld) - Tension in Egypt accelerated when Islamists supporting ousted President Mohamed Morsi and the opposition backing the army on Friday both called for a protest to mark the 40th anniversary...
Egypt’s political deadlock eased

Egypt’s political deadlock eased

The Salafist Nour Party, the second largest Islamist party in Egypt and the only Islamist group supporting the deposition of President Mohamed Morsi, has decided to participate in amending...
Vitality of the 1945 August Revolution

Vitality of the 1945 August Revolution

(VOVworld)- Vietnamese people are celebrating the 68th anniversary of the August Revolution, which paved the way for the birth of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the first state of workers and...
Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

Political crisis in Egypt deadlocked

(VOVworld)- The political crisis in Egypt escalated on Wednesday. August 14th was the bloodiest day in Egypt so far with 525 deaths deaths and thousands of people injured
Tunisia on the brink of a second revolution

Tunisia on the brink of a second revolution

(VOVworld)- Tunisia, the country that was most successful in transiting to democracy after the “Arab Spring” is engulfed by a political crisis. Since the Jasmine revolution in March 2011, disputes...