US-Russia relations in 2013

US-Russia relations in 2013

(VOVworld) – Russian Itar-Tass news agency on Tuesday had an exclusive interview on US-Russia relations in 2013 with US Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communication Ben Rhodes
Iran resumes negotiations with P5+1

Iran resumes negotiations with P5+1

(VOVworld) - Iran and P5+1 has resumed expert-level talks over the implementation of the historic agreement signed in November under which Tehran will stop or limit its nuclear activities...
Iran, P5+1 begin to implement nuclear deal

Iran, P5+1 begin to implement nuclear deal

(VOVworld)- Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi said Monday that envoys of Iran and the P5+1 (Germany, the US, the UK, France, Russia and China) will hold a meeting...
Iran’s nuclear deal- cautious optimism

Iran’s nuclear deal- cautious optimism

(VOVworld)- The historically significant nuclear agreement reached recently between Iran and the P5+1 group after nearly a decade of failed efforts is just a temporary deal. To reach a comprehensive...
Iran, P5+1 to ink important nuclear deal

Iran, P5+1 to ink important nuclear deal

(VOVworld) - The P5+1 world powers and Iran have struck a historic deal on Tehran’s nuclear program at talks in Geneva on Sunday in return for loosened sanctions against Tehran...
Iran, P5+1 break deadlock in nuclear talks

Iran, P5+1 break deadlock in nuclear talks

(VOVworld) – Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 group, including the UK, the US, France, Russia, and China plus Germany, in Geneva were seen as detailed, serious, and constructive, although...
Russia: not to miss a nuclear deal with Iran

Russia: not to miss a nuclear deal with Iran

(VOVworld) - The international community is close to a deal with Iran on its nuclear program, said Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov Saturday, just before negotiations on Iran’s nuclear issues to take place...
Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 fail

Nuclear talks between Iran and the P5+1 fail

(VOVworld)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that national rights and interests, including the right to develop nuclear power in accordance with international law and the right to enrich uranium in Iranian...
Iran-P5+1 nuclear negotiations fail

Iran-P5+1 nuclear negotiations fail

(VOVworld) – Negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 group, which includes 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany, ended on Saturday in Geneva, Switzerland, without any agreement...
West considers loosening sanctions on Iran

West considers loosening sanctions on Iran

(VOVworld) – The P5+1 group (including 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) will consider limited pullback of sanctions on Iran in exchange for clear evidence that Tehran...