Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A: First on our show today, we’d like to announce the results of VOV’s contest “What do you know about Vietnam?”, which were officially released on the occasion...
VOV in the hearts of its listeners

VOV in the hearts of its listeners

(VOVworld) – In a booming information age with many media formats dominated by television and online newspapers, radio still draws many people. VOV has become the close friend of many listeners...
Photo exhibit: Vietnam-the Real War

Photo exhibit: Vietnam-the Real War

(VOVworld)- For the first time, the Associated Press has held a photo exhibit showcasing more than 50 gripping photos featuring Vietnamese people’s struggle for national liberation. The photo exhibit...
US prepares air strikes against the IS

US prepares air strikes against the IS

(VOVworld) – The US military is ready to conduct air strikes targeting the Islamic State (IS) in Syria, but President Barack Obama has not yet signed off on the plan
Vietnam War spotlighted at France photo exhibition

Vietnam War spotlighted at France photo exhibition

(VOVworld) - Eight photographs featuring Vietnamese people’s resistance war against American aggression are being displayed at an international photo journalism festival taking place in Perpignan city, south of France