Piloting electronic visa issuance for foreigners

Piloting electronic visa issuance for foreigners

(VOVworld) – The government has submitted to the National Assembly a draft decree on granting electronic visas to foreigners. If approved, it will be carried out for 2 years starting January 1, 2017. After the...
Supermarket chain sells safe farm products

Supermarket chain sells safe farm products

(VOVworld) - President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan says the inauguration of a new chain of supermarkets is the first step in a strategy to promote...
Can Tho city given Asian Townscape Award

Can Tho city given Asian Townscape Award

(VOVworld) - Can Tho city became the first locality in Vietnam to receive a the 2016 Asian Townscape Award from the Asia-Pacific regional office of the UN Human Settlements (UN...
South Korea to reform presidential office

South Korea to reform presidential office

(VOVworld) – South Korean President Park Geun-hye on Sunday reformed her presidential office, following her recent scandal of letting a close friend interfere in state affairs
 Vietnamese people turn their hearts to central region

Vietnamese people turn their hearts to central region

(VOVworld) – Torrential rains and heavy floods in the central region has claimed many lives over the past week. Thousands of houses and public works such as clinics, schools, roads, and irrigation facilities have been damaged...
Quang Ninh to offer coal mine tours to tourists

Quang Ninh to offer coal mine tours to tourists

(VOVworld) – Quang Ninh is famous for beautiful tourist attractions and numerous coal mines which were opened at the end of the 19th century. These coal mines could represent a boom for...
Visiting Dong Que museum, Nam Dinh province

Visiting Dong Que museum, Nam Dinh province

(VOVworld)- Dong Que (Countryside) museum in Gia Thinh commune, Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province is a rare case because most of museums in Vietnam are located in major cities
The guide to exploring Dutch food culture

The guide to exploring Dutch food culture

(VOVworld) - Although the Netherlands is not known for its cuisine, there's much more to Dutch food than just raw herring. Without many refinements, the food culture here is best described as...
Vintage- Art Flea market in Ha Noi

Vintage- Art Flea market in Ha Noi

(VOVworld) - Shopping habits have changed over the years. However, there’s a form of shopping that has recently seemed to make a comeback, “shopping at antique flea markets”. No matter who you are...
Vietnamese grilled bamboo stick pork with noodle

Vietnamese grilled bamboo stick pork with noodle

(VOVworld) - Bun cha is one of the most familiar street foods in Hanoi. It’s on the food list that foreigners must try in Vietnam. However, not everyone knows that there are many versions of the dish, for example...
Film screening for visually impaired students

Film screening for visually impaired students

(VOVworld) – Launched 6 months ago, a project to screen films for visually impaired people is being jointly implemented by Cinestar, an entertainment and film publication company, and Ho...