Greece: early parliamentary elections

Greece: early parliamentary elections

(VOVworld) - Voting stations opened on Sunday for Greece's general election with around 10 million eligible voters. After two years of cuts, opinion polls suggest voters are set to punish...
Kwangmyongsong 3- a burning issue

Kwangmyongsong 3- a burning issue

(VOVworld)- Japan, South Korea and the US have over the past few days strongly reacted to North Korea’s decision to launch an earth observation satellite- the Kwangmyongsong 3 despite assurance...
US – Afghanistan relationship strained

US – Afghanistan relationship strained

(VOVworld) The US - Afghanistan relationship has become severely strained lately. A US soldier shot and killed 16 Afghani civilians, mostly women and children, on Sunday, adding more fuel to the...
Easing difficulties for business and production

Easing difficulties for business and production

(VOVworld) - Key measures to stabilize the macro-economy and ease difficulties for business and production were high on the agenda of the regular cabinet meeting for February. The synchronous...
Implications of EU rating downgrades

Implications of EU rating downgrades

Standard and Poor’s downgraded the credit ratings of nine euro-zone countries last week, making big news on a Black Friday the 13th. The rating downgrade hammers the...
Wednesday January 4, 2012

Wednesday January 4, 2012

New Year’s greeting cards have been pouring into our office this week. Listeners’ sincere wishes and beautiful postcards are making our office more colorful and joyful in these gloomy winter...
Law on Advertising tops NA session

Law on Advertising tops NA session

A draft law on advertising topped the National Assembly’s discussion on Monday. As advertising is a strong economic sector with revenue of 10 billion USD annually, the deputies suggested the Ministry of Information and Communication to take over the task from the Ministry...