Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

First on our show today, we’d like to welcome Javed Iqbal, a new listener in Pakistan. Javed wrote: “I’m new to radio VOV but in a very short period of time I am...
Hanoi gates

Hanoi gates

(VOVworld) – Hanoi once had five gates which strongly embodied its historical developments. The beauty of these gates features in several songs about Hanoi
Stilt house of the Muong Bi in Hoa Binh

Stilt house of the Muong Bi in Hoa Binh

(VOVworld) – The Muong have maintained their traditional construction techniques in building stilt houses - choosing an orientation, building, and decorating the house
Unique weaving of the Muong

Unique weaving of the Muong

(VOVworld) – Weaving is an age-old custom of the Muong. They perform every step manually - growing cotton, raising silkworms, weaving, dyeing, and making clothing items. The Muong produce brocade products...
Gongs in the life of the Muong

Gongs in the life of the Muong

(VOVworld) - The gong as a musical instrument is an important cultural item in the life of the Muong. It appears in all community activities and throughout a person’s lifetime....
Sculpture art on Vietnamese communal houses

Sculpture art on Vietnamese communal houses

(VOVworld)- The sculpture art on Vietnamese communal houses flourished in the late 17th century. The most beautiful communal houses were located in the Red River Delta. For example, Chu Quyen communal house in...
It takes six months to contain Ebola Epidemic

It takes six months to contain Ebola Epidemic

(VOVworld)-Joanne Liu, International President of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF – Doctors Without Borders), said in Geneva on Friday that it would take about six months to bring the Ebola epidemic...
Muslim Brotherhood leader sentenced to death

Muslim Brotherhood leader sentenced to death

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, an Egyptian court sentenced to death Mohamed Badei, a top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, and 13 of the group's leading members for inciting violence outside...
Wednesday July 9, 2014

Wednesday July 9, 2014

(VOVworld) - We are very glad to know that many of our listeners have also listened to VOV’s programs in other languages. They recognized that each section broadcasts somewhat different...