Religious freedom in Vietnam, an undeniable reality

Religious freedom in Vietnam, an undeniable reality

(VOVworld) – The US Department of State on August 10 released the 2015 International Religious Freedom Report, which judges other countries’ internal affairs. Although noting Vietnam’s positive action to safeguard freedom...
Southeast Asia facing IS intrusion

Southeast Asia facing IS intrusion

(VOVworld) – Some Southeast Asian countries are facing the risk of becoming a base or target of the self-proclaimed Islamic State. After detecting several IS plots, Southeast Asian countries have...
Majority of Scottish voters want to stay in UK

Majority of Scottish voters want to stay in UK

(VOvworld) - One month after the UK's decision to leave the EU, the latest YouGov research in Scotland shows no real shift towards independence. The result shows that Scots would vote to remain in the UK post...
Consequences from Turkey’s failed coup

Consequences from Turkey’s failed coup

(VOVworld) – An attempted coup conducted by a minority group in Turkey’s army on July 15 has been defeated. Although President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he has taken control of the...
VietHome Expo 2016 opens in HCMC

VietHome Expo 2016 opens in HCMC

(VOVworld) - More than 70 companies are attending the Vietnam real estate and building material fair 2016 – VietHome Expo 2016, which opened in Ho Chi Minh City on July 8. They showcase their products...
SEA Pride Music Festival 2016

SEA Pride Music Festival 2016

(VOVworld) - Music has long been considered the only thing in the world that can connect every soul, regardless of boundaries, backgrounds, genders, social status, etc. The SEA Pride music festival 2016 last Saturday in Hanoi set...
DOC in resolving East Sea tensions

DOC in resolving East Sea tensions

(VOVworld) – The 12th ASEAN-China senior officials’ meeting on the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) will take place in Vietnam’s Ha Long City on...