Cooperation for a stable and peaceful East Sea

Cooperation for a stable and peaceful East Sea

(VOVworld) – The ongoing international seminar on the East Sea in Ho Chi Minh City, the fourth of its kind, is consistent in discussing the importance of the area from the viewpoints of international law...
Nguyen Anh Tai - a devoted teacher

Nguyen Anh Tai - a devoted teacher

(VOVworld) - Emeritus teacher Nguyen Anh Tai was retired after 40 years of work. He is now still enthusiastic with the educational cause. He opens the Le Van Tam primary and secondary...
21st ASEAN Summit concludes

21st ASEAN Summit concludes

(VNA) - 21st ASEAN Summit has concluded with leaders approving the Human Rights Declaration, the first ever important political document on human rights cooperation in the region
China & ASEAN to cooperate for COC

China & ASEAN to cooperate for COC

(VOVworld)- China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will keep working on establishing the Code of Conduct in the East Sea
A one-day tour on the Red River

A one-day tour on the Red River

(VOVworld)- One-day tour along the Red River has become popular with people eager to escape for noisy city and get back to nature. The tour takes you to villages beside...
NA committee reviews economic development

NA committee reviews economic development

(VOV) - The National Assembly's Economic Committee has convened its fifth meeting in Hanoi to ratify a report on this year’s socio-economic development and the revised land law