Protecting child rights against climate change

Protecting child rights against climate change

(VOVworld) – Climate change is having global effects. To protect human rights against climate change, Vietnam has focused on the rights of children, who are vulnerable to extreme weather and natural...
Turkey warns of downgraded relations with US

Turkey warns of downgraded relations with US

(VOVworld) - Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim warned Thursday that the US risks major damage to its relationship with Turkey if Kurdish forces are included in the fight to retake Raqqa,...
The danger of plastic bags

The danger of plastic bags

(VOVworld) – Plastic products are helpful to human life but also pose serious health hazards to population. A wide range of countries have taken measure to limit the use of plastic...
US begins deploying THAAD system in South Korea

US begins deploying THAAD system in South Korea

(VOVworld) – The South Korean Defense Ministry announced Tuesday that the US has begun to deploy the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea to cope with growing...
China lowers growth target for 2017

China lowers growth target for 2017

(VOVworld) – The Chinese government has proposed a lower economic growth target for this year as part of its reform efforts. The Chinese leaders say the target is realistic about what...
WHO warns of close control on H7N9 human infections

WHO warns of close control on H7N9 human infections

(VOVworld) – The World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concerns about the H7N9 avian influenza outbreak in China, confirming that there is no evidence of changes in the epidemiological or clinical...
Russian economy gains momentum

Russian economy gains momentum

(VOVworld) – Russia’s economy is predicted to pick up in 2017 with a 2% growth rate, said Minister of Economic Development Maksim Oreshkin on the sidelines of the just-concluded...
Bird flu spreads around the world

Bird flu spreads around the world

(VOVworld)- The H7N9 Avian Influenza is breaking out in a number of countries. This is the fifth H7N9 epidemic since 2013 and í seeing the highest number of cases
Europe warned of division

Europe warned of division

(VOVworld) – Chairman of the Munich Security Conference Wolfgang Ischinger warned European countries to be cautious ahead of upcoming elections and avoid promoting policies that support or oppose the new US...