Challenges in creating peace in Yemen

Challenges in creating peace in Yemen

(VOVworld)- The UN-brokered peace talks in Yemen are at risk of failing. Yemen’s Houthi rebels have rejected a new UN proposal to continue talks and demand for a unity...
Danang improves its tourist attractions

Danang improves its tourist attractions

(VOVworld) – Welcoming an increasing number of tourists in recent years, Da Nang has invested in infrastructure and imposed measures to improve services. The provincial Department of Tourism has issued a...
The fire culture of ethnic people

The fire culture of ethnic people

(VOVworld) – The kitchen plays an important role for every ethnic family in Vietnam. The cooking place is also a venue where rituals and other customs occur. Whenever a guest arrives,...
Vietnam ready for Rio Olympics 2016

Vietnam ready for Rio Olympics 2016

(VOVworld) - A ceremony was organized in Hanoi Wednesday to send-off the Vietnam Olympic delegation to the summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro
PCA’s historic East Sea ruling

PCA’s historic East Sea ruling

(VOVworld) – On July 12 the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague announced its ruling in the Philippines case against China’s nine-dash line claims of historical rights in...
Philippines urges China to respect PCA’s ruling

Philippines urges China to respect PCA’s ruling

(VOVworld) – Philippine’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday urged China to respect the ruling made by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in the Hague, Netherlands, which rejected China’s sovereignty...
Ba Mun island - a paradise for wild animals

Ba Mun island - a paradise for wild animals

(VOVworld) - This year the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has launched a program promoting Vietnam as a paradise of sea and island for tourists. Besides traditional tourist destinations, travel agents...
The Nung close-knit community

The Nung close-knit community

(VOVworld) – Nung society has developed close connections in residence, lifestyle, economics, and culture. The Nung live harmoniously and united in a close-knit community
German intelligence warns of new terrorism wave

German intelligence warns of new terrorism wave

(VOVworld) – German intelligence has warned that Muslim rebels’ attacks are posing great security threat to Germany and such attacks as killing and suicide bomb in Istanbul, Turkey may occur in...
Scotland considers veto of Brexit bills

Scotland considers veto of Brexit bills

(VOVworld) – Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said on Sunday that the Scottish Parliament will block the passage of Brexit for the sake of Scottish people