Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A: Alex, in Vietnam, we have a great number of songs about our beloved President Ho Chi Minh. The songs praise Uncle Ho’s love for children, soldiers, the Vietnamese people and the nation...
Memories of an announcer

Memories of an announcer

(VOVworld) – This is the Voice of Vietnam, broadcasting from Hanoi, capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. This announcement against a background of the song Smashing Fascism has opened numerous...
Le Trong Khanh, daring head of a cooperative

Le Trong Khanh, daring head of a cooperative

(VOVworld) – Le Trong Khanh is head of Huong Son cooperative in Song Ma border district in Son La province. He has pioneered and succeeded in raising trionychid turtles, which has generated...
Wednesday August 20, 2014

Wednesday August 20, 2014

A: This week we got a lot of compliments for the music we play on our program and post on our website. Jayanta Chakrabarty of India wrote: “Once again I have enjoyed hearing Vietnamese...
Wednesday August 6, 2014

Wednesday August 6, 2014

(VOVworld) - I got an email from Abdelilah Boubchir of Algeria expressing his love for Vietnamese music, culture, heritage, and the way Vietnamese people maintain their authentic values. Abdelilah said he always...
Cultural identity of the M’Nong

Cultural identity of the M’Nong

(VOVworld) – The M’Nong was one of the first groups to settle in the Central Highlands. They have preserved many unique cultural features of their traditional festivals and folklore including epics, beating...
Buddhists pray for peace in East Sea

Buddhists pray for peace in East Sea

(VOVworld) – Hundreds of Buddhist monks, nuns and followers gathered to pray for peace in the East Sea at a ceremony held in Kien Giang province’s Dong Duong district