Japan, US issue joint statement

Japan, US issue joint statement

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have expressed their concern about the Japan-China dispute in the East China Sea
Syrian rebels killed in Homs

Syrian rebels killed in Homs

(VOVworld) – At least 75 rebels were killed Sunday during an attack by the Syrian army in the central province of Homs, according to Syria’s daily newspaper Al Watan
Venezuela accuses opposition leaders

Venezuela accuses opposition leaders

(VOVworld) – Venezuelan officials officially accused opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez of inciting violence, destroying public assets, and plotting violent demonstration against the government
Violence breaks out in Beirut

Violence breaks out in Beirut

(VOVworld) – Clashes between supporters and opponents of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad erupted in Lebanon’s capital Beirut on Sunday killing one person and injuring 15 others
Libya in new spiral of instability

Libya in new spiral of instability

(VOVworld)- 3 years after Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown, Libya has not been able to find a way to stabilize the country. Libya is facing increasing widespread violence and clashes between the...