TPP, a boost for Vietnam’s agricultural restructuring

TPP, a boost for Vietnam’s agricultural restructuring

(VOVworld) - The Trans-Pacific partnership agreement offers a major opportunity and challenge for Vietnam’s agriculture exports. But currently seafood and rice exports are underperforming expectations. To prepare for TPP membership...
Vietnam determined to eliminate HIV/AIDS

Vietnam determined to eliminate HIV/AIDS

(VOVworld) – A national scientific conference on HIV/AIDS opened in Hanoi on Tuesday. Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam said the event was part of activities to mark Vietnam’s national...
Changes in National Assembly’s Q&A

Changes in National Assembly’s Q&A

(VOVworld)- The 13th National Assembly (NA) convened an unprecedented question-and-answer session on Monday in which deputies can ask any cabinet member about issues in the area of their management...
Volunteer Fire Brigade – Germany’s pride

Volunteer Fire Brigade – Germany’s pride

(VOVworld) - Many big German cities are protected by volunteer fire brigades as well as by professional fire fighters. Under German law, every small town or village must have a volunteer fire brigade to...
Columbia President proposes truce with FARC

Columbia President proposes truce with FARC

(VOVworld) - Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos said Wednesday he wants to enter into a bilateral truce with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) beginning January 1, 2016
Vietnam responds to World Tourism Day

Vietnam responds to World Tourism Day

(VOVworld) - The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism and the EU delegation in Vietnam held a meeting on Saturday to mark World Tourism Day, September 27