April 24th, 2013

April 24th, 2013

A: This week we got a letter from Richard King, who last wrote to us in July. It’s always great to receive correspondence from our old friend Richard. We hope...
 Wednesday March 27, 2013

Wednesday March 27, 2013

On April 1st, we’ll have new frequencies for the summer broadcast beaming to some areas in Europe and America. VOV’s delayed broadcast from Moosbrunn, Woofferton, and Dhabayya to Western Europe...
February 27, 2013

February 27, 2013

Each week when we receive letters and emails from listeners around the world, we find that some of the listeners care about political issues in Vietnam while a majority are keenly interested in Vietnamese cultural, historical...
Tet party celebrated in Japan

Tet party celebrated in Japan

(VOVworld)-The Vietnamese Embassy in Japan held an end-of-year party for foreign diplomats yesterday/ on Thursday to welcome the Lunar New Year. The event is one of many activities to...
Tour of central region

Tour of central region

VOVworld)- Amid economic difficulties, travel companies in the central region have found ways to attract more tourists, especially tourists from Russia and Asian countries. Last year, tourism contributed greatly to...
January 23, 2013

January 23, 2013

As usual many of the letters and emails sent to us are questions about Vietnam. This week, Ratan Kumar Paul, a teacher and coordinator of the South Asia CRI DXER forum in...
Vietnam to benefit from FDI shift

Vietnam to benefit from FDI shift

(VOVworld) – A shift in FDI flows will benefit Vietnam, India, and Indonesia, thanks to their large labor forces and strong domestic markets, HSBC stated Thursday in a research report, entitled “The...
	09 January 2013

09 January 2013

This week, we received lots of letters and emails from listeners around the world with many questions about Vietnam. Thank you for the love you send to us. First, we’d...
US to maintain key role in Middle East

US to maintain key role in Middle East

The US military will maintain a 'strong presence' in the Middle East despite a strategic shift to Asia. US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters prior to a trip to Kuwait that...
Wednesday 28 November 2012

Wednesday 28 November 2012

This week, we were impressed and moved by letters and emails from listeners in Assam, India. They set a record by sending us an average of 4 to 5 letters...
Opportunities and challenges intertwined

Opportunities and challenges intertwined

(VOVworld) – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and representatives from more than 100 countries and territories have gathered in Iran’s capital city of Tehran for the 16th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). As host...
Letter Box August 29, 2012

Letter Box August 29, 2012

A: Starting off this week’s Letter Box edition, I’d like to say Hello to Adeel Butt of Pakistan, who was in Hanoi and visited our office some weeks ago. We...
August 15, 2012

August 15, 2012

A: Another week has gone by and we’re happy once again to be with you on our Wednesday Letter Box to answer all the emails and letters received this...

Japan helps Hanoi build Smart Community

(VOVworld) – The Japanese government will deploy its Smart Community model in the Hanoi Software Technology Park located in Long Bien district. Representing the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry...
 July 04 2012

July 04 2012

(VOVworld) - This week, we’ve received a lot of emails and letters from Asian listeners. One is Ms. Robina Aktar, an editor with the LOLONA Listeners Club in Bangladesh. Robina...