EU agrees negotiation plan with UK on Brexit

EU agrees negotiation plan with UK on Brexit

(VOVworld) – Following a summit in Brussels, on Thursday EU leaders held informal Brexit meeting during which they pledged to work closely with each other to ensure that the UK will not...
IS retakes Palmyra

IS retakes Palmyra

(VOVworld) – The Islamic State retook Syria’s eastern city Palmyra after the Syrian army withdrew on Sunday, according to Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
Stock market reacts to Donald Trump presidency

Stock market reacts to Donald Trump presidency

(VOVworld)- At the end of the trading session on Wednesday, the US securities market soared with financial, health care and industrial stocks rising sharply reflecting investors’ hope that President-elect Donald Trump...
Lawyers provide legal assistance to people

Lawyers provide legal assistance to people

(VOVworld) – The Law on Legal Assistance passed in 2006 specified mechanisms for lawyers to provide legal assistance to people. At the Central Committee for Reception of Citizens, thousands of people...
Historic moment for the US

Historic moment for the US

(VOVworld)-The US is facing a historic moment as voters cast their ballots to elect either the first female president in history or an ultimate political outsider
Yemen rebels support UN peace plan

Yemen rebels support UN peace plan

(VOVworld) - Yemen's Houthi rebels said on Sunday that a new UN peace plan was the "basis for discussion" despite containing "fundamental flaws
UN proposes new political roadmap for Yemen

UN proposes new political roadmap for Yemen

(VOVworld) - The United Nation Special envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, on Tuesday urged related parties to conclude a written political roadmap for resolving the conflict in Yemen
Donald Trump works to gain trust of voters

Donald Trump works to gain trust of voters

(VOVworld)- In his Gettysburg Address, on October 22, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump outlined what he would do in his first 100 days were he to become US president. Trump...