PLO threatens to end recognition of Israel

PLO threatens to end recognition of Israel

(VOVworld) – Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization, is threatening to withdraw recognition of Israel prior to the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993 as the Jewish state has...
The US enhances influence in Central Asia

The US enhances influence in Central Asia

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry concluded a 4-day tour of 5 former members of the Former Soviet Union in Central Asia. The visit reflects a US effort...
Obama’s achievements during his 2nd term

Obama’s achievements during his 2nd term

(VOVworld) – The biggest challenge to the nuclear deal between Iran and P5+1 was overcome when President Barack Obama gained the support of Senate Democrats last week. The victory adds...
Story behind yuan devaluation

Story behind yuan devaluation

(VOVworld)- The biggest 3-day devaluation of Chinese yuan since the establishment of the modern forex system in 1994 has shocked regional and global financial markets. The reasons behind...
China Tianjin blast: Casualties continue to rise

China Tianjin blast: Casualties continue to rise

(VOVworld) – A total of 112 bodies have been found, and 95 people remained missing, including 85 firefighters, after the massive warehouse explosions in North’s China Tianjin city on Wednesday
Government forces triumph in southern Yemen

Government forces triumph in southern Yemen

(VOVworld) – Forces loyal to Yemen’s President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi retook complete control of Abyan province from Houthi rebels, after taking over the town of Loder, a military source said...
Contact Group on Ukraine convenes in Minsk

Contact Group on Ukraine convenes in Minsk

(VOVworld) - The Contact Group on Ukraine, which includes Russia, Ukraine, and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), convened again in Minsk, Belarus, on Monday with the...
Russia looks to dialogue with US, Europe

Russia looks to dialogue with US, Europe

(VOVworld) - Russia is not seeking confrontation but will defend its national interests, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with Swiss broadcaster RTS on Monday