Iraq conducts parliamentary poll

Iraq conducts parliamentary poll

(VOVworld) – Iraq conducted its first parliamentary election on April 30th since the US withdrew its troops in late 2011. More than 21 million voters nationwide cast their ballots to elect...
Middle East peace talks at a standstill

Middle East peace talks at a standstill

(VOVworld) – Palestinian negotiators have refused to extend peace talks beyond April 29th unless Israel releases the rest of its Palestinian prisoners and stops its construction of Jewish settlements on Palestine...
Palestine, Israel resume talks

Palestine, Israel resume talks

(VOVworld) - Israeli chief negotiator and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, her Palestinian counterpart Saeb Erekat, and US mediator Martin Indyk concluded their latest round of talks on Thursday in Jerusalem
Iraq general election campaign begins

Iraq general election campaign begins

(VOVworld) – The Iraqi Council of Representatives general election began on Tuesday, despite escalating violence and conflict between political parties
Afghan presidential election: a thorny path

Afghan presidential election: a thorny path

(VOVworld) – Afghan people will cast their ballots in a presidential election late this week with a hope that a new government can resolve instability, corruption, poor management, and the impasse in...
Russia, US at odds on Ukraine crisis

Russia, US at odds on Ukraine crisis

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov failed to reach any agreement on the Ukraine crisis in their meeting in Paris on Sunday
Iraq Election Commission withdraws resignation

Iraq Election Commission withdraws resignation

(VOVworld) – Members of the Iraqi Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) on Sunday withdrew their resignation letters to allay concerns about delaying the general election scheduled for mid-April
Iraqi election commissioners resign

Iraqi election commissioners resign

(VOVworld) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Wednesday that the Iraqi Parliamentary election, scheduled for late next month, is likely to be affected as members of the Iraqi Independent High Electoral...
US tries to save Middle East peace talks

US tries to save Middle East peace talks

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday unexpectedly postponed his Italy visit to fly to the Middle East, in a bid to salvage foundering peace talks between Israel...
A challenging tour

A challenging tour

(VOVworld)- US President Barak Obama will visit Saudi Arabia after his tour of 3 European countries beginning on Friday. During his second trip to Saudi Arabia since 2009, President Obama hopes...