Mutual assistance during pandemic in Son La

(VOVWORLD) - During the ongoing fight against the coronavirus pandemic, many individuals and businesses in Son La province have donated food to people on duty at COVID-19 checkpoints and in quarantine areas. Border hamlets have set up quarantine tents to receive citizens returning from epidemic hotspots. Everyone wants to contribute something to the national epidemic effort.


Mutual assistance during pandemic in Son La - ảnh 1Home-grown agricultural products are donated to COVID-19 hit people in Phu Yen district.

Le Thi Hong Pham, Secretary of a Party cell of in Lien Gia ward, Son La city, said that local residents contributed a large amount of food and other necessities to help southerners following the call of the municipal Vietnam Fatherland Front.

“We encouraged each household to contribute at least 3 kg of rice, worth about 2.2 USD, but  many donated 6 to 10 times that much.We are touched by the love local people showed for their fellow citizens in the south,” said Pham.

In 3 days, Son La city’s 7 wards contributed nearly 55 tons of food, all of which was immediately transported to Ho Chi Minh City.

Mutual assistance during pandemic in Son La - ảnh 2Agricultural products are about to be delivered to people in Phu Yen district. 

As soon as social distancing was imposed on Phu Yen district, many people in other parts of Son La sent donations, even though their lives have also been affected by the pandemic.

“The epidemic is creating difficulties for everybody, but it’s time to give mutual support and love. Vietnamese people are famous for that tradition. We want people in quarantine areas to feel supported,” said Luong Thi Mai, a resident of Yen Chau town.

Dinh Van Huy of Phu Yen said he was very moved to receive the relief food.

“I just received several kinds of vegetables. Each household in the epidemic area received a little. We’d like to say thank you to all the people who help us go through this difficult period,” said Huy.

Hundreds of tents have been set up by the locals to receive people returning from jobs far from home, some coming from epidemic hotspots.

La Thi Minh Tam, a resident of Bo Duoi hamlet, said, “I was happy to help set up tents to receive our fellow village for quarantine as they return home. I hope they will practice safe quarantine.”

Each bamboo-frame tent is 8 to 10 square meters in area and equipped with electricity, water, and a toilet. The tents can also provide emergency shelter in areas stricken by rain, flood, or other natural disasters.

Son La province has about 30,000 workers employed far from home. Many of them are expected to return this month.

The generous donations made by Son La’s citizens have helped the government keep its pledge to leave no one behind during the coronavirus crisis.

