40th anniversary of Cuban President’s visit to Quang Tri

40th anniversary of Cuban President’s visit to Quang Tri - ảnh 1
Cuban President Fidel Castro and Prime Minister Phạm Văn Đồng at a welcoming meeting in Cuba. Photo: TTXVN.

(VOVworld)- A ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of Cuban President Fidel Castro’s visit to Quang Tri province will be held on Thursday. The event is held by the Quang Tri Provincial People’s Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations, the Vietnamese Cuban Friendship Association and the Cuban Embassy in Vietnam. President Fidel Castro’s visit to Quang Tri 40 years ago encouraged the Vietnamese people and soldiers during the American war. Photographer Sy So took and preserved several photos of President Fidel Castro:“Fidel was a wonderful hero and charismatic leader. As a photographer, I wanted to take photos that showed his characters”.

Le Van Hoan was once the President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in Quang Tri province: “President Fidel’s visit to the revolutionary base of Quang Tri encouraged local people a lot. Everyone was excited about welcoming him”.

To honor occasion, the Thuan Hoa Publishing House has released a photo book called “Fidel Castro-Quang Tri on a historic day in 1973”. The book contains 150 photos documenting Fidel’s visit to Quang Tri in 1973.

On this occasion, Cuban media highlighted the significance of the event. The Cuban Communist Party’s ‘Granma’ newspaper ran an article praising the historical visit. It said the trip illustrated the close friendship and solidarity between the Cuban and Vietnamese peoples. The paper reviewed important milestones by the Cuban delegation at the liberated area in Quang Tri and underscored the fierce devastation that the US bombs and mines had brought on Vietnam.

Meanwhile, the online newspaper at www.cubadebate.cu contained an article by journalist Juan Marrero, one of few Cuban reports to accompany President Fidel Castro during his visit to Vietnam. Marrero wrote in 30 degrees Celsius heat as thousands of Vietnamese people welcomed commander-in-chief Castro and the Cuban delegation all the way along the 10 kilometer stretch of road.  The warm welcome left a deep impression on every member of the delegation.

Also on Monday, the Cuban national television station broadcast a documentary film about Castro’s visit to Vietnam.


Ashik Eqbal Tokon

It's a great to know the details of the visit of a Great Leader Mr Castro in Vietnam. Ashik Eqbal... More
