ASEAN commits to promote its role in assuring regional peace

(VOV) – ASEAN countries will further unite and work closer to assure regional peace, stability and cooperation especially in security and maritime safety.

ASEAN commits to promote its role in assuring regional peace - ảnh 1

Pham Quang Vinh, Deputy Foreign Minister and head of the Vietnamese delegation to the 67th session of the UN General Assembly told VOV’s Washington correspondent that this has been agreed by the ASEAN Foreign Ministers. Vinh said at an unofficial meeting on the sideline of the UN General Assembly meeting that the Ministers discussed ASEAN cooperation in UN - related issues as well as ways to boost ASEAN – UN cooperation. ASEAN is likely to submit a resolution to boost bilateral ties through cooperation in development, peace-keeping, and implementation of UN Millennium Development Goals. ASEAN wants the UN to continue its poverty reduction efforts, building the ASEAN community and enhancing its ASEAN connection. Regarding preparation for the ASEAN summit to be held in December in Cambodia, the ministers stressed the need to boost the ASEAN community and cooperation between ASEAN and its partners, especially in assuring regional peace and stability and resolving arising challenges such as non-traditional security, natural disasters, climate change, and transnational crimes. Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh: "ASEAN needs to bring into full play its central role in assuring peace, stability and cooperation in the region including maritime security. In the context of complicating developments related to regional maritime security, ASEAN has agreed on the need to respect international laws and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and resolve conflicts peacefully. Regarding the East Sea issue, countries must respect the basic principles of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea and the principle of peacefully settling disputes, support ASEAN’s 6 principles of the East Sea, and complete the Code of Conduct in the East Sea".

Regarding this year’s theme “Adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations by peaceful means”, Mr. Vinh said that it is impossible to grow economically without peace. He added that this theme is important in the joint effort to build a peaceful environment for development in the context of a great gap between the rich and the poor: "From Vietnam’s point of view, firstly, a sustainable peace should be based on international law. Secondly, countries need to build a peaceful and tolerant culture. Thirdly, countries must solve disputes through peaceful means as provided under international laws and agreements".

Mr.Vinh said the UN and international organizations have an important role in supporting and encouraging conflicting parties to negotiate and settle disputes through peaceful means based on international laws. 

