Blood donation festival 2013

(VOVworld) - A Festival of sharing a drop of blood, inspiring hope was launched in Hanoi on Sunday by the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion. This year’s festival is expected to receive about 7,000 of blood units from 10,000 people. Doctor Nguyen Anh Tri, Head of the National Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, said: “Our goal is to meet the demands for bloods from hospital after the Lunar New Year holiday. A national year of blood donation is also launched. We aim to receive about 7,000 blood units, higher than last year. 25,000 people are estimated to join this festival.”

This year the blood donation campaign continues to be expanded to provinces, agencies and schools. On this occasion, 60 voluntary mothers are honored for their excellent blood donations.

Blood donation festival 2013  - ảnh 1

