Conference reviews 3 years of higher education management renovation

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s education and training sector has set up its action plan on renovating higher education management to improve quality. This is among the outcomes announced at Wednesday’s conference in Hanoi to review the 3-year implementation of the Prime Minister’s Directive 296 on renovating higher education management in the 2010-2012 period. Since 2010, universities have effectively implemented tuition remission and credit policies, enabling policy beneficiaries and disadvantaged students to access learning opportunities. The credit policies in the last 3 years granted loans to 2.4 million students, totaling 1.7 million USD. The conference defined future focuses for renovation which will be shifted from scale to quality and effectiveness.

Conference reviews 3 years of higher education management renovation - ảnh 1
The education and training sector will focus more on quality and effectiveness.

Deputy Minister of Education and Training Bui Van Ga said: "To improve educational quality to meet the demand for national modernization and industrialization, the sector will renovate management, increase inspections, issue documents guiding the implementation of the Higher Education Law, and refine the draft comprehensive educational reform to be submitted to the Party Central Committee’s upcoming meeting."

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan urged the education and training sector to continue reforms to improve personnel quality, launch initiatives to attract talented people, and upgrade infrastructure.     

