Consumer rights to be better protected


Consumer rights to be better protected  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Quoc Khanh  says  the Vietnamese Party and State have worked to protect consumers’ rights. Mr. Khanh was speaking at Thursday’s meeting in Ho Chi Minh city to mark this year’s World Consumer Rights Day, March 15th under the theme “Our money, our rights”. Mr. Khanh cited laws and policies on protecting Vietnamese consumers, including the right to safety, information and selection. Regarding measures to ensure that consumers are better protected, Deputy Director of the Municipal Department of Industry and Trade Tran Vinh Nhung said: “We need to disseminate information to the wider public on consumers’ rights, which are guaranteed by the laws in Vietnam. Education is essential to make laws closer to life. This job will be accelerated in near future.

After the meeting, volunteers cycled around the city to advocate consumers’ rights.

In Vietnam, the Law on the Protection of Consumers’ Rights came into force on July 1st, 2011, but Vietnamese consumers have yet to realize all their legal rights because relevant ministries and agencies are not yet strictly controlling the market. "To effectively realize the law, relevant ministries and agencies including the Ministries of Industry and Trade, Health Care, Police and Customs Office should join efforts to protect consumers. At present, there are still many violations of consumers’ rights due to lack of enforcement", said Ms Nguyen Thi Bach Nga, Head of the Consumer Protection Section of the Competitiveness Management Department.

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