Corporate Restructuring: practical cases for Vietnamese businesses

Corporate Restructuring: practical cases for Vietnamese businesses - ảnh 1
Corporate restructuring should be an overall reform in terms of enterprises, their production process, technology and human resource.

(VOVworld) – More than 400 delegates representing consultancy firms that work in the fields of business, personnel, financial management and economics have gathered for this year’s CEO Summit in Hanoi. At the meeting, themed "Corporate Restructuring: Case Studies and Good Practices for Vietnamese Enterprises", the delegates said that Vietnam’s economy has recently made several achievements thanks to a positive influence from the industrial and service sectors, and changing to produce more value-added products. They added that in order to overcome the current economic difficulties, Vietnamese managers need to improve their capacity to forecast the future so enterprises can plan ahead. Le Kinh Luan, a senior advisor to Tower Watson Group, says ‘Before restructuring, a business needs to ask itself why it must do this. It should at least take a good look at itself to see whether or not it should continue with its old way of working or change in line with market pressures and the current business environment. This means companies must identify their development strategies. In my opinion, restructuring should improve the efficiency of human resources, as the process affects the core components of any company and this will also ensure that the company can survive in the new business environment’.

Economists and business leaders discussed the lessons drawn from global case studies and especially specific cases in Vietnam and debated the macro-economic prospects and business environment for this year and next year.  

