Firm steps towards the ASEAN Community

(VOVworld)-ASEAN Secretary General Le Luong Minh has participated at the ASEAN Foreign Minister Retreat, Politico-Security Council Meeting (APSC), and Coordination Council Meeting in Brunei.

Firm steps towards the ASEAN Community  - ảnh 1
Firm steps towards the ASEAN Community

In his address to prepare for the upcoming 22nd ASEAN Summit this month, Minh said the ASEAN economies are expected to gain a higher year-on-year growth rate of 5.5% this year. He said the building of the ASEAN Political and Security Community and the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation have gained the participation of Brazil, Britain and the EU, raising the TAC participating countries to 31. ASEAN Defense Ministers have geared up preparation for the launching of the ASEAN peace keeping network as well as cooperation in defense industry, humanitarian aid, maritime security and disaster preparedness. All ASEAN member states have ratified the ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism and exert efforts in the framework of a comprehensive action plan to combat terrorism.

The Secretary General said the ASEAN is actively reviewing East Timorese membership and the expansion of strategic partnership with dialogue partners to promote peaceful resolution of conflict and dispute, especially the territorial dispute in the East Sea on the basis of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) towards the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).

Regarding ASEAN development prospect over the next 5 years, Minh said that the ASEAN will continue to be a dialogue forum for peace and cooperation while member countries should do more to promote connectivity and integration to ensure the grouping’s sound economic performance globally.

