Incorporating vocational training in youth development strategy

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Home Affairs reviewed 5 years of implementing the youth development strategy at a conference in Hanoi on Tuesday. Delegates also reviewed the 5-year implementation of a government decree on increasing the Party’s leadership in youth activities in a time of modernization and industrialization. The number of young people who attended vocational training courses has increased significantly during this 5-year period. Vu Dang Minh from the Ministry of Home Affairs said:  “More jobs should be created for young people. Priority should be given to vocational training and job creation in rural areas as well as industrial, processing, and high-tech zones.”

Incorporating vocational training in youth development strategy - ảnh 1

Delegates agreed on the need to develop small and medium-sized enterprises and youth farming models, particularly in rural and remote areas. They said that young people should be given access to preferential loans.

