National Report on Vietnamese Youth released

(VOVworld) – On Monday, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the United Nations Population Fund held a ceremony to release the first National Report on Vietnamese Youth.

National Report on Vietnamese Youth released - ảnh 1
A ceremony to issue the National Report on Vietnamese Youth (Photo:

Ritsu Nacken, UNFPA’s Acting Chief Representative in Vietnam, said Vietnam has a golden population structure, with the youth population accounting for 27.7 %, the highest rate in its history. She said it was a great opportunity for Vietnam’s socio-economic development by promoting the role of young people: “If we don’t invest in the youth now, it will be a society without the participation of young people. It is necessary to take into consideration policies on young people at all levels and work out inter-sectoral measures. Those policies should be fully invested to make them effective for young people”.

The first national report on Vietnam’s youth will evaluate education, employment, and the healthcare situation of young people and review related policies to make recommendations to law-makers. The report also provides statistics necessary for revisions to the 2005 Youth Law, building a youth development plan in post 2015 as well as policies and strategies related to young people at all levels. The report also showed that apart from achievements, Vietnam needs to do more to help the young especially the disadvantaged, to access to high-quality education and stable employment and participate in policy-making processes. 


Bidhan Chandra Sanyal

I am very happy to know that the Ministry of Home Affairs in Vietnam and the United Nations population Fund have released the first National Report on Vietnamese youth on 29 June, 2015. No doubt the report... More
