Police force upholds President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings

(VOVworld) - The Ministry of Public Security has celebrated 65 years since President Ho Chi Minh sent a letter to the Director of Zone 12 Public Security mentioning 6 qualities of a revolutionary policeman.

Police force upholds President Ho Chi Minh’s teachings    - ảnh 1
Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang addressed the event

Speaking at an event in Bac Giang province on Monday, Minister of Public Security Tran Dai Quang said President Ho Chi Minh’s letter was a recommendation for the public security force. He stressed that the whole sector should further promote the campaign of studying and applying President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching.

The policemen have to regularly improve their revolutionary morality, thinking, and behaviors in line with President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching. They should be firm in dealing with attacks from hostile forces and criminals, while resolving to overcome difficulties and hardship, and to understand their sense of responsibility, to be dynamic, creative, ingenious, and brave in their work.” Quang said.

Can Tho city’s Police Department also commemorated the event and awarded certificates of merits to outstanding individuals and organizations for their excellent performance.

