President Truong Tan Sang’s visit to China draws attention from Chinese public

(VOVworld)- Major newspapers in China covered the welcoming ceremony for President Truong Tan Sang at the Great Hall in Beijing as well as the talks between President Sang and his Chinese counterpart Xin Jinping. The Chinese People’s Daily of the Communist Party of China quoted President Xin Jinping as saying that China and Vietnam were important neighbors and partners in cooperation. Xi said that over 60 years of history of bilateral relations between the two countries shows that they should unswervingly pursue the path of friendly cooperation despite problems and distractions ahead. He said that China attached great importance to developing relations with Vietnam and would firmly uphold the fundamental policy of developing friendly ties.

President Truong Tan Sang’s visit to China draws attention from Chinese public - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang was welcomed in China

The Xinhua online newspaper reported that in a friendly and frank atmosphere, Vietnamese and Chinese leaders exchanged views on how to strengthen the bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperation and reached broad consensus. They agreed to maintain high-level contacts and strengthen instructions for major issues of the bilateral relationship and increase exchanges between the two Parties.They agreed to implement the 5-year development plan on economic and trade cooperation in the 2012-2016 period, boost bilateral trade with the aim of balance and stable growth in order to reach the goal of achieving 60 billion USD in bilateral trade by 2015. President Truong Tan Sang’s visit has also drawn attention from Chinese scholars. Ms Pan Jin E, a researcher on Vietnam at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said she hoped that President Sang’s visit would contribute to furthering bilateral ties. Professor Gu Yuan Yang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences highlighted the importance of President Sang’s visit. He expressed his hope that bilateral cooperation, especially cooperation between social scientists of the two countries, will be further expanded and strengthened following this visit.

