Public continue giving opinions to constitutional draft amendments

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Fatherland Front held a meeting to gather opinions of its staff and veterans to the draft amendments to the 1992 Constitution. Participants focused their contributions to issues relating to the roles of the Communist Party, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, human rights, and citizens’ essential rights and duties.

In regards of human rights, delegates proposed the supplementation of the realization of rights, particularly human rights of existence including the right to eat and have accommodations towards the rights to travel, go to school, and to engage in politics. Hoang Thai, former member of the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s Central Committee, talked about the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front. Thai commented ‘A political alliance refers to organizations with different political platforms and directions to enter into alliance with each other. The Vietnam Fatherland Front which is led by the Party has people’s organizations set up by the Party to implement the Party’s platform and direction. Therefore it’s not a political alliance.’

The revised draft of the 1992 Constitution has received comments from overseas Vietnamese. Economic Professor Nguyen Quoc Hung, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Vietnam-Russia Law Consultancy Center says that the revised constitution stresses that all economic sectors are inseparable and important parts of the national economy. The revised Constitution also stipulates independent institutions including the Constitution Council, the National Electoral Council and the State Audit, which are in line with the common trend in society. Mr. Nguyen Quoc Hung said ‘As a Vietnamese working in Russia and a member of the Vietnam Lawyers’ Association, I have studied the Constitutions of many countries and I would like to propose the Interface of the revised Constitution which touches upon people’s rights as stipulating that “Never before have people so strongly desired peace as they do today. People’s desire to protect themselves from wars has gradually led to the recognition  of peace as the ultimate human legal value. The right to peace is a just right and should be placed equally and inseparably with the other basic rights to freedom and equality’.

Mr. Hung proposed adding to the constitution the concept of sustainable development, which he says is in line with the common trend.

