Restructuring agriculture towards increasing added value

(VOVworld) – To restructure agriculture is an urgent and long-term task which is of great importance in developing agriculture in localities and the national socio-economy as a whole. This was agreed at a conference in Hanoi on Friday with the participation of Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat and representatives from 63 departments nationwide.

Restructuring agriculture towards increasing added value  - ảnh 1

Minister Phat said the project of restructuring the agricultural sector towards increasing added value and sustainable development aims to improve efficiency and competitiveness by raising productivity, quality, and ultimate to add value. “All localities and offices have to realize that this solution aims to resolve short and long-term limitations, maintain the growth rate, and achieve socio-economic and environmental development targets. It’s necessary to teach localities about what should be done and about the important tasks for each area.” said Phat.

The program aims to achieve an annual GDP growth rate for the agricultural sector up from 2.6% to 3% between the 2011-2015 period, 3.5% to 4% from between 2016 and 2020, improve income and living standards for rural people, ensure food security, and reduce poverty.

