Seminar on Vietnam’s international economic integration opens in Da Nang

(VOVworld) – A seminar to review Vietnam’s international economic integration over the past decade took place today/Monday in the central Da Nang city. Delegates agreed that during its 25 years of renewal, Vietnam has made giant progress in international economic integration. The country has expanded its relations with the world in all fields, and become a member of the World Trade Organization.

Seminar on Vietnam’s international economic integration opens in Da Nang - ảnh 1
The seminar took place in Da Nang city

Vietnam has established diplomatic ties with 180 out of 193 member countries of the United Nations. It successfully fulfilled its task of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council period 2008-2009 and ASEAN chair in 2010. Participants also noted achievements and shortcomings of Vietnam during its international economic integration over the past years. Director of the Institute of International Relations, Dang Dinh Quy, said: "Reports delivered at the seminar will help us make a comprehensive assessment of the integration progress. The event is of great significance for localities to reconsider demands and solutions, devise orientations and guidelines to make their integration process more efficiently." 

