Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia National Assemblies convene meeting

(VOVworld) – The 4th meeting of the Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian National Assemblies has focused on improving the state budget supervision through effective governance. The event which opened in Phnom Penh on Sunday, was chaired by Cambodia’s National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin.
Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia National Assemblies convene meeting - ảnh 1

Speaking at the opening, Heng Samrin said the meeting is a chance to exchange ideas and experience at the policy-making level regarding state budget management, collaboration between NA agencies on supervising state budget, and  other issues arising for the three countries. The meeting works on a special cooperative mechanism between NA functional agencies of the three countries to strengthen their capacity to supervise the state’s financial and budget activities. The meeting outcomes will be useful for Vietnam, Lao, and Cambodia to reform their policies and improve the effectiveness of state budget management to stabilize the macro-economy and serve the cause of their international socio-economic integration.  The Vietnamese delegation includes Vice Chairman of the National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee Bui Dang Dung, Deputy Head of the State Audit Office of Vietnam Hoang Hong Lac, and Deputy Finance Minister Nguyen Cong Nghiep.

