Vietnam supports UNESCO reform

Vietnam supports UNESCO reform - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)-Vietnam has welcomed and voiced strong support for UNESCO’s initiatives to mobilize financial contributions from countries, organizations and individuals. Head of Vietnam's Mission to UNESCO Duong Van Quang was speaking during an interview with a VOV correspondent in Paris following the recent 189th session of the Executive Board of UNESCO. Ambassador Quang said that UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova submitted to the Board a roadmap to tackle financial difficulties facing the organization: “The roadmap is based on the principles of maintaining UNESCO’s prestige and leadership status, reducing costs through personnel retrenchment, changing the working style and redefining prioritized programs”, Quang said. UNESCO has been struggling with budgetary problems as the US, Canada and Israel ceased financial contributions which account for 22 percent of UNESCO's budget, to protest the admission of Palestine to this agency last November.

