Youth acts as mainstay of nation

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan says the government will do its best for the development of youth movements. At a conference of the National Committee on Youth of Vietnam held in Hanoi on Tuesday, committee members proposed specific measures to care for youth, including establishing cultural institutions to serve youngsters’ interest in entertainment and organizing vocational guidance sessions. Nhan urged the committee to speed up youth programs and projects approved by the Government. Nhan said: The number of people involved in youth work at the moment is higher than ever before. This is our advantage. It’s the National Committee on Youth who should make use of this advantage. The Youth Union can use all youth members of their line agencies. In the coming months, I urge the Youth Union to collaborate closely with managers to make sure that youngsters are put in the right place to boost their ability and creativity.

Youth acts as mainstay of nation - ảnh 1
Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan delivers a speech at the conference
(Photo: VOV)

Nhan said the committee needs to make full use of current cultural facilities, with the youth playing the vanguard role in building a healthy lifestyle. He urged the committee to set up a youth database with information about health, education level, gender, and family to serve the Vietnamese Youth Development Strategy 2011-2020.  

