Đại Bái village follows traditional craft of casting bronze

Đại Bái village in the northern province of Bac Ninh follows a traditional craft of casting bronze items- a profession, which has been in existence for hundreds of years. Rising prices of input materials, and reduced demand in recent years have had a negative impact on the village’s business. In this context, some crafstmen have turned to portrait statues in an effort to keep their craft alive.

Đại Bái village, formerly known as Văn Lãng, is 30km north of Hanoi’s center. In its heyday in the early 11th century, Dai Bai was famous for casting household utensils. Guilds were formed to produce a variety of bronze items such as pots, trays, kettles, and basins. For many years, the village was renowned for producing devotional items such as statues, urns, vases, and parallel sentences.

Đại Bái village follows traditional craft of casting bronze  - ảnh 1
Bronze casting pattern

Cooperatives have been established and machines invented to improve product quality, but local business has been seriously hurt by recent global economic troubles. Many workshops have closed and their workers have had to find new jobs. Some households have found a way to save their livelihoods by casting portrait statues. Đinh Văn Tới owns a bronze casting facility in Đại Bái: "Many people now want statues of their parents or ancestors cast in bronze for worshiping. Some look for portrait statues of historical figures while others favor bronze statues to decorate their houses and balance Yin and Yang".

Most workshop ownsers say their customers prefer statues of Buddha, national heroes or their ancestors as a way to educate their children about family traditions. Nguyễn Văn Trung is a customer: "Portrait statues capture physical appearances. I have ordered statues of my parents and will place them on family altars".

It takes approximately a month for bronze casters to make a bust, whose price ranges between 600 and 700 USD depending on the size and weight. Statues of Buddha are more expensive as they require greater skill and sophistication. Dinh Xuan Chien, Deputy director of the Cultural Heritage Company talks about Đại Bái village’s future: "Local production will continue to focus on Buddha statues and portrait statues as demand is growing rapidly"

Many workshops in the village have restored their production levels and the traditional craft of bronze casting is gradually back on track.    

