Ha Tinh Catholics enthusiastic about upcoming general election

(VOVWORLD) - Localities in Ha Tinh are disseminating information on citizens’ rights and duties to cast their ballots in the upcoming elections of deputies to the National Assembly and all-level People's Councils. Communications campaigns have helped Catholics in Ha Tinh understand the meaning of the election scheduled next Sunday.
Ha Tinh Catholics enthusiastic about upcoming general election - ảnh 1Banners and slogans of the elections of deputies to the National Assembly and all-level People's Councils are hung in streets. (Photo: baohatinh.vn)

62-year-old Nguyen Si Hoan of Phu Le hamlet in Huong Khe district is a role-model citizen and parishioner.

Over the past 20 years, he has been involved in the communications for many elections of deputies to the National Assembly and local People's Council.

Thanks to being well aware of the thoughts and expectations of local parishioners, Hoan has corrected misunderstandings about the elections.

“Election Day is a festival for all people so both Catholics and non-Catholics should feel happy. Our responsibility is to tell the locals if they don’t understand. I’m involved in the communications for the upcoming elections as a member of the people’s inspection board and the management board of the local parish. Parishioners often find it easier to believe what their dignitaries say,” said Hoan.

50% of the population of Huong Trach, a remote commune, are Catholics. Seven of 13 hamlets in Huong Trach are inhabited by parishioners. Representatives of parishioners in five of nine electoral teams have participated in preparations for the elections. There are two local Catholic candidates.

Cao Viet Hoa, Secretary of Huong Trach Commune’s Party Committee, said the preparation work has thoroughly been made. As the public’s complaints and recommendations have been well addressed, the security situation in the area is recorded as stable.

Hoa told VOV, “We’ve acknowledged the emotion and responsibility of parishioners for the approaching elections. At consultative meetings, priests have called on the parishioners to give their opinions on the candidates. In previous terms, a number of parishioners ran for the deputies to the commune People's Councils and they’ve bridged voters and authorities.”

The authority of Vu Quang district has determined that preparations for the general elections in the Catholic commune of Quang Tho must involve in parishes and clergies.

Ha Tinh Catholics enthusiastic about upcoming general election - ảnh 2Local people are updated with all information about the elections. (Archive photo: baohatinh.vn)

Ha Van Yen, Secretary of the commune’s Party Committee, has regularly visited hamlet No7 to learn the villagers’ wishes and preparations. 

According to Yen, “What the local Party Committee and administration want most is to make next Sunday’s election a success. As a local government leader, I come here today to understand the situation and clarify whatever local villagers haven’t been clear on. We hope that next Sunday all residents here will perform their citizen rights and obligations to go to the polls.”

Nguyen Thi Ha Tan, Secretary of Vu Quang District’s Party Committee, said Election Day is a festival for all, regardless of religion, adding that the district government’s preparations for the elections focus on resolving people’s complaints and denunciations to create consensus and solidarity.

“In fact, Catholics and non-Catholic followers in Vu Quang are united and are looking forward to Election Day as a national festival. Every week we set a separate theme to provide and update the locals about elections. Officials from the district government have been sent to party cells to guide the election-related activities, especially the rights, responsibilities and process to introduce elite representatives to the People's Council,” said Tan.

