VOV Children’s singing program marks its 55th birthday

VOV Children’s singing program marks its 55th birthday - ảnh 1

(VOVworld)- Radio the Voice of Vietnam on Saturday organized a program to mark the 55th anniversary of the VOV Children’s singing program. Since it was founded in July 1957, VOV’s Nightingale group has always been loved by both child and adult listeners. From just 6 members, the group now has more than 30 members aging between 6 and 15 years old who are in charge of performing new songs for children programs on VOV. In his address, VOV Deputy General Director Vu Hai said: “Over the past 55 years, the program has become a close friend, who enhances children’s dreams and encourages them to become good people.  The 15-minute program has now become a chain of music programs. This growth has been greatly attributed by musicians, reporters, editors, technicians and great support from VOV management board”.

