VOV get-together commemorates War Invalids and Martyrs' Day

(VOVWORLD) - The Voice of Vietnam (VOV) has held a get-together of staff who are war invalids, or relatives of war martyrs to mark the 70th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs' Day, July 27. 
VOV get-together commemorates War Invalids and Martyrs' Day - ảnh 1

VOV Vice President Vu Hai spoke at the get-together (Photo: Thy Hat/ VOV)


VOV Vice President Vu Hai said over recent years, VOV has cared for national contributors, educated revolutionary tradition for the staff, and raised gratitude funds: “The Voice of Vietnam will continue to pay a debt of gratitude as a frequent task. I hope that war invalids and families of martyrs will continue to bring the revolutionary tradition into full play, taking the lead in local movements and contributing to the development of VOV and the nation as a whole”.

The VOV Vice President presented gifts to war invalids and families of martyrs on this occasion.

