A working, reformed National Assembly

(VOVWORLD) -  2021 was an impressive year for the 15th National Assembly. Due to COVID-19, the legislature held its 2 first sessions both online and offline. But the NA made prompt decisions to help the government effectively support businesses and help the public overcome difficulties caused by the pandemic.

A working, reformed National Assembly - ảnh 1National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the 2nd session of the 15th National Assembly. (Photo: VGP)

During the 3 months since it opened, the 15th NA has proved that it is a working legislature that has aspires to make people and businesses the center of all decisions and boost sustainable national development.

For sustainable national development

At its first session, deputies to the 15th NA elected and approved several leadership positions, including State President, Prime Minister, NA Chairman, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, and Prosecutor General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy. During this session, the NA also approved a Resolution on the 2021-2025 socio-economic development plan which sets a growth rate target of 6.5 to 7% annually during the next five years and GDP per capita of 4,700 to 5,000 USD by 2025.

In 2021, the NA made many important decisions about dealing with COVID-19. It allowed some government activities that are not included in the current law to meet the emergency needs in fighting the pandemic and mobilize resources and support for affected employees and employers. These were unprecedented solutions.

The National Assembly worked closely with the government to develop policies to overcome economic difficulties and adapt to the new normal. The NA’s Economic Committee, the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, and the Academy of Social Sciences jointly organized the Vietnam Economic Forum which drew the attention of the public and businesses inside and outside Vietnam.

"The NA and the NA Standing Committee have contributed to preventing and containing the pandemic, maintaining production, and helping the public and enterprises overcome difficulties, proving that the NA is a working legislature that has aspiration for renovation and devotion and that makes the people and businesses the center of all decisions it makes to boost sustainable national development," said NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue.

A working, reformed National Assembly - ảnh 2Secretary General of the NA Bui Van Cuong. (Photo: vtv.vn)

Responsibility and renovation

Due to the pandemic, the NA held its first two session both online and in-person. Group discussions were held both at the NA building and in cities and provinces. At group discussions in localities, NA deputy delegations invited local authorities and representatives of local organizations to contribute to the NA agenda and the drafting of laws and resolutions. The NA shortened meeting times and used e-voting, something that is expected to happen more frequently in the future. The NA also expects more online meetings during this tenure.

“We are flexibly adapting to the pandemic and reforming our activities to complete tasks requested by voters,” said Secretary General of the NA Bui Van Cuong.

The NA’s achievements in 2021 reflected a determination to build a legislate with dynamism, intellect, solidarity, reform, and responsibility while placing the country’s and people’s interests first.

