Facebook Clamps Down on ‘Low Quality’ Links on Newsfeeds

(VOVWORLD) - Facebook, the world’s biggest social network with more than 2 billion users is rolling out an update that will throttle links from users who are judged to be posting “vast amounts” of low-quality content onto their profiles and clogging up the news feeds of their friends.
 Facebook Clamps Down on ‘Low Quality’ Links on Newsfeeds - ảnh 1

The new version is based on a study which shows that there is a tiny group of people on Facebook who routinely share vast numbers of public posts every day, effectively spamming people’s feeds. The links they share tend to include low-quality content such as clickbait, sensationalism, and misinformation. According to Facebook, this update will only apply to links, such as an individual article, not to domains, pages, videos, photos, check-ins or status updates. Facebook wants to reduce the influence of spammers who share links more frequently than regular sharers. This is just one of several things Facebook is doing to reduce this type of spam. By taking steps to improve News Feed, Facebook hopes to surface more stories that people find informative and reduce the spread of what it calls clickbait, sensationalism and misinformation.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook now has 2 billion users. Facebook earlier outlined new efforts to remove extremist and terrorist content from its social media platform. Its latest initiative will show non-governmental organizations how to monitor and respond to extremist content and will create a dedicated support with which users can communicate directly. 

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, said there is no place for hate or violence on Facebook. She said Facebook uses AI technology to find and remove terrorist propaganda, and has teams of counterterrorism experts and reviewers around the world working to keep extremist content off their platform.

