National Digital Transformation Day: Toward a sustainable, prosperous nation

(VOVWORLD) - October 10 is observed as Vietnam’s National Digital Transformation Day. With the theme "Exploiting digital data to create value", this year's event continues to raise public awareness of the role, meaning, and benefits of digital transformation, accelerate the implementation of national digital transformation tasks, and effectively implement the National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with a vision to 2030.
National Digital Transformation Day: Toward a sustainable, prosperous nation - ảnh 1National Digital Transformation Day is observed on October 10, 2023. (Photo: Minh Quyet/ VNA)

Digital transformation is inevitable for the Vietnamese economy and market. The National Digital Transformation Program approved by the Prime Minister in 2020 has created a foundation for a systematic and comprehensive digital transformation process in Vietnam.

Initial positive results of National Digital Transformation Program

The National Digital Transformation Program has recorded initial positive results, contributing to national socio-economic recovery and development.

Public awareness of digital transformation has improved, especially the mindset of digital transformation among leaders of ministries, sectors, and localities. Community digital technology teams have been established in all localities to help people understand and effectively use the digital services of government agencies and businesses.

Regulations and policies have been promulgated for developing the 3 pillars of the National Digital Transformation Program – digital government, digital economy, and digital society. These include the E-Government Development Strategy toward a Digital Government in the 2021-2025 period, with a vision to 2030; the project "Raising awareness, universalizing skills, and developing human resources for national digital transformation by 2025, with a vision to 2030"; and the decree regulating the provision of information and online public services by state agencies in cyber space.

Since the beginning the year, ministries, sectors, and localities have sped up the provision of online public services. All localities nationwide have mapped out plans for implementing the project "Reforming the implementation of the ‘one-stop shop’ and ‘interconnected one-stop shop’ mechanism in handling administrative procedures", with the goal of, by 2025, digitizing all documents and results of administrative procedures at district- and commune-level administrative units.

“The one-stop shop mechanism in processing administrative procedures helps save time and costs. The most important thing is the public’s satisfaction and trust,” said Associate Professor Dr. Ngo Thanh Can, former Deputy Head of the Administrative Organization Department of the National Academy of Public Administration.

National Digital Transformation Day: Toward a sustainable, prosperous nation - ảnh 2Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh addresses the National Digital Transformation Day celebration on October 10, 2023. (Photo: Duong Giang/ VNA)

The whole system is engaged in building a digital nation

Vietnam has advanced national digital transformation through the efforts of the Government, businesses, and every citizen. At a July conference to review the National Digital Transformation Program in the first half of this year, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said digital transformation must be stepped up. 

Priority should be given to quality over quantity, developing a database, promoting online public services that serve the people, production, and trade on a large scale, and ensuring cybersecurity. 

“Digital transformation is an inevitable and objective requirement. We need to push harder and make more breakthroughs because it brings practical benefits to the people and the country. We must be drastic in direction, management, and implementation with the view that national digital transformation is a big strategic task which must start with specific actions and specific goals. We must create unity of awareness and action in order to use the combined strength of the entire political system in implementing it," said Prime Minister Chinh.

The wave of digital transformation is occurring in the business community through efforts to digitalize production and customer service. 

The establishment of the “Make in Vietnam” program launched by the Ministry of Information and Communications has spurred Vietnamese businesses to master digital technology domestically and globally.

With a population of more than 100 million people, a fast growing economy, and a dynamic young population with the ability to use new technology, Vietnam is a country with a strong potential in digital transformation. 

Together with the "National Digital Transformation Program to 2025, with a vision to 2030", National Digital Transformation Day continues to promote awareness and action that will make Vietnam a stable, prosperous, digital country.

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