New diplomatic solution needed on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld)- South Korea has announced it successfully launched a rocket into space on Wednesday. Meanwhile, North Korea is threatening to launch its third nuclear test in retaliation for UN Security Council sanctions against Pyongyang for launching a satellite last December. These developments  have increased tensions on the Korean peninsula.

New diplomatic solution needed on Korean peninsula - ảnh 1

The Korea Space Launch Vehicle 1 blasted off from the South Korea Space Center on the southern coast on Wednesday. The launch took place on schedule and the rocket reached target altitude. South Korean authorities confirmed this information. It was Seoul’s third space launch in the last 4 years. Tensions between the two Koreas, and US and South Korean hostility to the North’s nuclear program have dashed efforts to secure peace on the Korean peninsula. In its latest announcement, Pyongyang said it’s unfair for North Korea to suffer UN sanctions because of its rocket launch.

Since the UN Security Council adopted additional sanctions against North Korea following its rocket launch on December 12,2012, Pyongyang has threatened several times to conduct a 3rd nuclear test. At a recent conference of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Kim Ki Nam, the Party’s Secretary in charge of propaganda called on the Korean people to participate in a general confrontation to retaliate against increasing threats from South Korea and the US. Earlier, Pyongyang threatened to attack Seoul if the latter cooperated with the new UN sanctions and announced a boycott of all dialogues relating to ending its nuclear program. North Korea has always firmly insisted that its nuclear tests answer a public need and nothing can prevent it from becoming a military power.

North Korea has always done what it has threatened to do, so it’s certain that it will conduct a 3rd nuclear test in the next few days. South Korean intelligence sources reveal that preparations for the nuclear test are underway and the date of Pyongyang’s nuclear test may coincide with a major anniversary such as late leader Kim Jong-il’s birthday or the swearing-in ceremony of South Korean President Park Geun-hye.

Analysts say the current situation on the Korean peninsula calls for a new, more comprehensive solution to replace the ineffective measures of the past few years. The key problem is that when Pyongyang insists that its satellite launches are part of the country’s scientific and technological development and plan to develop a strong and prosperous state, the US and South Korea say that they are disguised ballistic missile tests and provocative acts threatening peace and security in the region. International pressure and efforts to make the North give up its nuclear tests have been ineffective. All parties need to remain calm and avoid steps that might lead to military conflict, but Wednesday’s rocket launch has done nothing to reassure an angry Kim Jong Un.  

Anh Huyen


