Preparing personnel for the Communist Party of Vietnam

(VOVworld) – Recruiting new Party members is an important content in building the Communist Party of Vietnam, which decides the existence and development of the Party. An average of 120,000 to 125,000 outstanding members of the Youth Union is admitted to the CPV annually, accounting for 60% of new Party members.

Preparing personnel for the Communist Party of Vietnam  - ảnh 1
The Ho Chi Minh Youth Union has actively engaged in Party building (photo:

Over the past 85 years the CPV is the only political party which has the determination, brainpower, experience, and prestige to lead the nation to overcome all obstacles to achieve success. The Party has always welcomed its successors, who are outstanding young people.

Paying special attention to students

Kieu Anh, a student at Hanoi Medical University, was admitted to the CPV when she was in high school. She says it was an honor and motivation for her to further improve herself in study and lifestyle. Besides studying to become a good doctor, Kieu Anh has joined the Executive Committee of Hanoi Medical University’s Student Association and organized student volunteer programs. “Being a Party member for 5 years, I have more motivation for my future. I have attended political training classes on the Party’s resolutions. I’ve matured in my political theory and revolutionary will.”

Identifying outstanding young people to admit to the Party is a difficult task. Several Party cells have had no new members for many years. The Ho Chi Minh Youth Union plays an important role in improving and recommending new Party members.

Strengthening the role of the Ho Chi Minh Youth Union

The Ho Chi Minh Youth Union has launched the campaign “Youth Union members and young people strive to become members of the CPV”. Dang Quoc Toan, the Youth Union Secretary, said about 120,000 to 125,000 Youth Union members are admitted to the CPV each year, accounting for 60% of new Party members. Mr. Toan said besides promoting outstanding students, the Youth Union will nominate excellent state employees and workers in private companies. “The Central Committee of the Youth Union and local units will continue communications to improve the revolutionary ideals and lifestyle of young people. We’ll organize more community activities for young people to train themselves and contribute to society. Senior Party members will be invited to exchanges with Youth Union members and young Party members, as they are role models for young people.”

Young people have always been the vanguard in national construction and defense in any historical period. The Ho Chi Minh Youth Union has to diversify its performance and activities to rally young people and inspire their revolutionary ideals so that they will recognize that the Party is one of their priorities. Nguyen Minh Tuan, Head of the Institute of Party Building, said: “We have to communicate to young people about their life goals, ideology, and reason for living. It’s not an abstract concept but a fact that the Party has improved the material and spiritual life of the people.”

Since its establishment in February 3, 1930, the Party has continued to recruit outstanding young people and trained them in reality to become national leaders.

