The Party renews anti-corruption effort

(VOVWORLD) - Fighting corruption is an important issue in every country. Over the past 90 years, the Communist Party of Vietnam has paid close attention to Party building, rectification, and fighting corruption. Before its 13th National Congress the Party has reiterated its determination to fight corruption.
The Party renews anti-corruption effort  - ảnh 1 Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong chairs the 18th meeting of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption. (Photo:

Documents of the 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam held in 2011 said that corruption, wastefulness, red-tape, and the political, ideological, ethical, and lifestyle degradation of a number of cadres and Party members had not been entirely removed.

After 5 years of implementing the resolution of the 4th plenum of the 11th Party Central Committee on building and rectifying the Party, the situation has changed. But the 4th plenum of the 12th Party Central Committee found that corruption, wastefulness, and other negative phenomena remain serious problems among party members holding positions in the state apparatus. The Party and State consider fighting corruption a long-term commitment.

Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong, who is Head of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption, said: “We create the law and we have to revise it if necessary. Vietnam is a state governed by law under the unified leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Individual opinions must serve the public interest. Party members who are government officials must not abuse their power to advance their personal interests.”

Corruption involves a number of party members who hold positions in the government. During the 11th Party tenure, disciplinary measures were applied to 110 central officials. Functional agencies prosecuted 8,883 cases involving 15,000 arrestees charged with corruption, abuse of power, and financial indiscretions. 

Nguyen Huy Tien, Deputy Director of the People’s Supreme Procuracy, said: “The People’s Supreme Procuracy has worked with the Ministry of Public Security and the People’s Supreme Court to investigate, prosecute, and put on trial big corruption cases brought by the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption. Judicial oversight has been made more effective and more violations have been detected and prosecuted.”

Lieutenant General Trieu Xuan Hoa, former Commander of Military Zone 7, said that with its 90 years of experience, the Communist Party of Vietnam will find effective long-term and short-term strategies for reform, anti-corruption efforts, and national leadership.

“Anti-corruption efforts must continue to deter and correct violators and teach young cadres to avoid corruption. Some people commit corrupt acts deliberately, but some do it accidentally or through inexperience,” Hoa said.  

Since 2016 the Party Central Committee, the Politburo, and the Secretariat have issued 80 documents to strengthen Party building and the political system and fight corruption. The National Assembly has issued 63 laws and ordinances, and the government and the Prime Minister have issued 611 decrees, 532 resolutions, and 197 decisions.

At a recent meeting of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption, Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong urged a finalization of regulations that encourage and protect cadres and Party members who dare to think, do, make breakthroughs, and to take responsibility for shared interests. The Party’s goal is to effectively fight corruption while successfully organizing Party congresses at all levels to sort out incompetent, immoral cadres.

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